In Alert Catcher, actions are needed to manage the creation of problems based on incidents coming from third party systems.

When acritical time or number of incidents is reached, another issue (in Alert Catcher such tasks are called problems) will be created that is associated with existing incidents.

Create action for rule

To create an action for a rule, go to the list of your connection rules. On the rule line click on theEditlink.

You can specify all parameters to create the problem:

Example of problem creation

Our system received 7 events with the ruleLack of free swap spacein connectionZabbix.

In the Action settings, we have specified that a problem will be created when critical indicators are reached.

Indeed, since we have created more than 5 incidents in a shorter period of time than 10 minutes, there was a problem.

Usingpost-functions, you can set up the workflow so that when your problems are closed, all related incidents close automatically.