To get started, check out our user guide. You might find answers to your queries right there. If not, don't worry! Our dedicated team of technical experts is ready to assist you.

Have an issue or a bug to report? Have an idea for a new feature?
You can contact us directly in one of the following ways:

(blue star) Send an email to
(blue star) Submit a ticket via our Support Portal

Our support channels are available 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM EET (UTC +2) Monday – Friday to ensure that you can connect with us at your convenience.

In support of our services, we respond to service-related incidents and/or requests submitted within the following time frames:

When contacting our technical support team, please provide as much information as possible about the issue you're facing. This will enable us to better understand your situation and expedite the resolution process.

We're always looking for ways to enhance your experience and exceed your expectations!