Integration with "Amazon Connect"

Integration with "Amazon Connect"

This article describes how to set up your Amazon Connect instance to work with Customer Card plugin for Jira.

As a result, our system will work as follows:

  1. Amazon Connect Agent receives a call from customer.

  2. Amazon Connect pass the customer data (phone number or email address)

  3. After the call was answered by the agent, Amazon Connect opens a new tab or browser window (depending on your browser settings) with Customer Card plugin on your Jira instance. Customer data that Amazon Connect passed before used to find this customer in Jira.

As described above, you can use our plugin in two general ways.

The first way is to use customer phone number as an identifier. In this case you should associate your customers with phone numbers in our plugin (visit https://<your-instance>.atlassian.net/plugins/servlet/ac/pl.softlist.customercard/customer-card-menu-configuration).

The second way is to use customer email address as an identifier. In this case you should enable Customer Profiles module in Amazon Connect. We will extract email address properties from customers in Customer Profiles module and pass them to Customer Card in Jira.


  1. Amazon Connect + Customer Profiles + Customer Card for Jira

  2. Amazon Connect + Customer Card for Jira (without Customer Profiles)