

Easy-to-use solution for monitoring your Domain names. The "License Manager" plugin will keep track of your website's domains expiration dates and send you notifications when they are about to expire.

List of domains in tracking
Adding a domain name


Adding custom domains

The "License Manager" plugin supports most popular TLDs and registrars, however sometimes adding a domain in a rare domain zone may not be possible for technical reasons. To add such a domain, simply check the "Create custom domain" checkbox and manually enter the name of the registrar and the expiration date for the domain.


To quickly add a large number of domains at once, as well as conveniently manage a list of all your domains in CSV format, use the Import/Export function.

Share "Domains"

You can share domains added to the License Manager plugin with anyone in Jira on your instance. You can grant access either to an individual user in Jira or at a user group level, such as Jira Administrators.

Near the domain entry in the "Actions" menu, select "Permissions":

In the modal window that opens, select users or groups who will be granted access:

When you share a domain with another user or group of users, those users automatically become the owner of that domain's record and have full rights.

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