View task list on call processing page

View task list on call processing page


For more flexible customization of the displayed list of tasks, it was decided to create a separate interface for the administrator, who would be able to enter filters for issues. These filters differ from the regular filters in Jira in that fact that they have placeholders that will be filled in when the parameters are received during a call.


The administrator creates JQL filter for the plugin, called Unresolved issues and a filter:

reporter="${reporter}" and resolution is EMPTY ORDER BY priority DESC, updated DESС

When the operator accepts the call, Finesse will open a new browser tab with the address <jira-base-url>/secure/CallViewAction.jspa?reporter=b.belokur.

On this page, the filter specified by the administrator will work, where b.belokur will be substituted for ${reporter}.

There can be several such tables with tasks. The convenience is that there may be parameters well known for subscribers (e.g. one aware of an internal phone number and a username, the other has only a phone number). In this case you can make different filters for those who know one of the parameters. If only the phone number is known, the operator will see the task list filtered by the phone number (a separate field in the task), if the user name is also known, then he will see the list of tasks in which this user is the applicant.

Support Agent Interface

As many filters have been set up by the administrator, as many tables should be placed on the call information page. If there are no filter search results, you do not need to display a table.

The table should have 3 columns:

  1. Key.

  2. Issue type

  3. Summary

  4. Status

Clicking on a key or a task theme takes the operator to the task view page, by analogy with the Jira desktop gadgets.

Administrator Interface

In the plugin settings menu, in the left menu there is a section with plugin settings. Administrator can add, edit and delete filters to view tasks on a separate page.


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