World Clock

World Clock

Teamployees World Clock is a user-friendly gadget for Jira designed to provide you with real-time information on the current time for cities in every time zone across the globe.

Adding a gadget

Follow these steps to add a gadget to a dashboard:

  1. Go to the dashboard by selecting the Dashboards link in the top navigation bar.

  2. On the dashboard, Click Add gadget. If you do not see this button, go to the ... menu on the top right and select Edit dashboard. The Add gadget button will now appear on your dashboard.

  3. In the search field, type Teamployees World Clock and click Add button to choose the gadget.

For more information about managing dashboards, see Configuring dashboards.

Adding the "Teamployees World Clock" gadget

Adding locations

When configuring the gadget, you'll find a list of time zones and locations to choose from. To select your desired location, simply input the nearest city or country within the time zone you're seeking. You can select up to 6 time zones. If you need more, you can add multiple gadgets.

Adding locations

Custom location names

For the chosen locations, you can customize the names that will be displayed beneath each dials.

Setting a custom location name

Viewing mode

After saving the settings, you will switch to gadget viewing mode. Each watch corresponds to the selected time zone configuration and offers two display modes: day (6:00 AM - 6:00 PM) and night (6:00 PM - 6:00 AM). The watch face has a light background during the day and switches to a dark background at night.

Day and Night Clock

We provide a dynamic grid display for the clocks, adapting to the gadget's size. The gadget's theme is synchronized with the Atlassian dark theme.

Gadget view using dark theme in Jira